About Us

Founded in 1995

Since inception, Torchlight has acquired over $30 billion in commercial real estate debt investments and has $6.2 billion of assets under management. Over a span of 30 years, Torchlight has launched 13 institutional funds, investing in both public and private markets across the real estate capital stack. Investing across the credit spectrum has allowed Torchlight to identify attractive risk-adjusted opportunities and implement acquisition, investment management and disposition strategies for our investors through multiple market cycles.

Torchlight launched its distressed debt workout business, Torchlight Loan Services, in 1998. Torchlight Loan Services is a nationally rated special servicer and is the named special servicer on $10.0 billion of structured commercial real estate debt. Since inception, Torchlight Loan Services has resolved over 740 loans with a par value of $11.8 billion and has managed over 250 properties with a total value of $2.9 billion.


Fundamental Real Estate Analysis

Torchlight operates on a core philosophical belief that successful investing begins with extensive fundamental research combined with thorough analysis and careful execution. We believe that the comprehensive information flow that is created by our capabilities in research, underwriting and surveillance allows us to identify investments and manage assets with a suitable risk-reward profile.  We believe that our reliance on critical analysis, as well as our understanding of the interplay between real estate and capital markets and the larger national and global macro environment, enables us to make timely and informed decisions.

When evaluating potential investments for its portfolios, Torchlight’s first consideration is always the likely performance of an asset in the face of deteriorating market conditions. Torchlight seeks to construct each portfolio in a way that may best meet the targeted risk, return and diversification requirements of the particular client.  Torchlight employs a rigorous investment process in which each investment is thoroughly examined and evaluated.

Corporate Responsibility

Torchlight Cares

Torchlight believes that responsible stewardship of a client investment includes the advancement of ESG principles where consistent with the underlying investment objective.  In addition to good corporate citizenship, Torchlight believes that the evaluation of ESG elements can lead to the identification of investment risks as well as opportunities for incremental return for our clients.